Pahuk Prairie
Pahuk means headland or promotory, and is located on a heavily wooded bluff overlooking the Platte River north of Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska. The 150-acre site was purchased by Dr. Louis Gilbert and his wife and when they discovered that Pahuk was a sacred site, they petitioned to have it placed on the National Register of Historic Places and began work in 1974 to restore it to native prairie. They also set out to develop a master plan for forest and prairie management and restoration. Finally, they negotiated a preservation easment with the Nebraska State Historical Society, which ensures that the Pahuk Historic Natural Area will never be disturbed. The Gilberts learned that Pahuk was the most important of the five Pawnee religious sites. They learned that a huge cave said to be below the bluff was the dwelling or meeting place of the Nahu-rac, supernaturally endowed animals which were the servants and messengers of Ti-ra-wa, who could intervene in the affairs of men and from whom the medicine men of the Pawnee gained their skills. (Labriola Center Newsletter, Fall 1996 Newsletter Vol. IV No.3
ACERACEAE, maple family
Acer saccharinum (planted)
ASTERACEAE, sunflower family
Eupatorium altissimum,tall boneset
BALSIMINACEAE, jewel-weed family
Impatiens capensis, spotted touch-me-not, spotted jewel-weed
BORAGINACEAE, the borage family
Hackelia virginiana
BRASSICACEAE, mustard family
Alliaria petiolata (invasive)
CELTIDACEAE, hackberry family
Celtis occidentalis, hackberry
COMMELINACEAE, spiderwort family
Commulinum communis, dayflower (introduced)
Tradescantia ohioensis, spiderwort p>
CYPERACEAE, sedge family
Carex eburnea
Carex sprengelii
Carex schweinitzii
Eleocharis sp.
ELAEAGNACEAE, oleaster family
Elaeagnus umbellata, autumn olive (invasive)
Equisetum sp.
FABACEAE, pea family
Amorpha fruticosa, wild indigo
Strophostyles leiosperma
Gymnocladus dioica, Kentucky coffee tree
FAGACEAE, oak family
Quercus macrocarpa, bur oak
JUGLANDACEAE, walnut family
Carya cordiformis, bitternut hickory
Juglans nigra, black walnut (planted)
LAMIACEAE, mint family
Lamiastrum galeobdolon, escape
Leonurus cardiaca, motherwort
Lycopus asper
Nepeta cataria
Teucrium canadensis, germander
MENISPERMACEAE, moonseed family
Menispermum canadense, moonseed
MORACEAE, fig family
Morus alba, white mulberry
OXALIDACEAE, wood-sorrel family
PHYTOLACCACEAE, pokeweed family
Phytolacca americana, pokeweed PHRYMACEAE, lopseed family
PLANTAGINACEAE, plantain family
Plantago rugelii, American plantain
POACEAE, grass family
Elymus villosus, sliky wild rye
Leersia virginica, whitegrass
Muhlenbergia racemosa, marsh muhly
Phalaris arundinacea
Spartina pectinata
ROSACEAE, rose family
Prunus americana, American plum
Prunus virginiana, chokecherry
SALICACEAE, willow family
Salix exigua, sandbar willow
Verbascum thapsus
SOLANACEAE, nightshade family
Physalis sp.
TILIACEAE, linden family
Tilia americana, American linden
ULMACEAE, elm family
Ulmus americana
VITACEAE, grape family
Vitis riparia, riverbank grape